"Your typical meat head"
1. Whilst checking out the so called bad ass "free weights" section, which happens to be basically anything but free as you need to pretty much compete against like a thousand juiced up guys for the bench press, you bare witness to the first type of gym personality. I find this to be the most entertaining as these guys will pretty much do a lot more shouting and grunting then well lifting. I find it absolutely hilarious when I see your common steroid freak grunting like he is pretty much giving birth mean while doing your regular standard biceps curls, now you can only imagine what happens once he hits the squat rack (Just kidding that rarely ever happens as they all tend to have your classic chicken legs syndrome).
Looking at this situation from an optimistic point of view , you can always at least witness their flawless lifting technique (not really..).
2. The second annoying personality at the gym has to go to the amazing self proclaimed gym "teachers". You finally finished school/university and decided to hit the gym in order to just pump some iron and relax in order to get away from all the schooling bullshit that you go through on a daily basis, that is when you meet one of those gym teachers. These guys will initially just stare you down and then approach you while your basically barely holding your form as you have been working towards your final failure set and then these guys will start instructing you on your freaking FORM!. Even if you have no clue who this person is and do not care for what their freaking advice is. The sad part is, unlike actual personal trainers, these guys do not even get paid but yet they like to show off about their so called gym knowledge. Please go mind your own business or better yet actually get paid for your so called "gym knowledge" as I honestly do not give a ****. Please leave me alone before I slam you with my barbell, I bet you didn't see that coming huh Mr.Smart Guy.
"The next time someone unprofessional criticizes your form, I recommend the following response."
"Gym goers on their typical hardcore workout session"
3. So there I am waiting for the smith machine and I see this guy basically chilling next to it whilst texting. Being a nice guy that I am, I approach this dude and ask him when he will be finished with the machine, he simply replies that he is resting right now and he will then proceed to finish off his last set. So i stand there waiting like a freaking jackass whilst this guy finishes his so called workout, What i did not know at the time was that this so called rest period was basically 15 minutes of intense texting. His correct response should have been should have been more like, well I need to finish my last set but before that I have to do thousand text repetitions.
"Now that looks like one intense workout"
" Now for the 4th personality type, I like to call these the show-off types"
4. Unlike your typical roided gym goer personality that we talked about previously, these guys would rather spend most of their time checking out their abs than actually doing any work. This is the type of person that would lay down on the mat to do like ten basic crunches, he/she will then stand in front of the mirror either to check out their abs or take selfies. Now I urge you to compose yourself as your natural instincts would probably tell you to the beat the hell out of these guy but hey I bet their photo editing skills are through the roof.

"This is so true, it's not even funny"
"Fellow gym goer diagnosed with the chicken legs pandemic"
5. The last and final gym personality has to go to your infamous chicken legs. The funny thing about a number of bodybuilders is that they have incredible upper bodies with the skinniest legs possible, I mean what the hell happened to leg day. As funny as these guys look, one must always take the chicken legs pandemic incredibly seriously. I have listed below a number of syndromes that are big indicators for this syndrome, these are the following:
- If your gym routine looks anything like the following, you my be infected by this pandemic. Monday(biceps), Tuesdday(biceps),Wednesday(Cardio (1000 texts reps)), Thursday(biceps), Friday(chest). The above schedule is an enormous indicator of the possibility of a chicken legs infection.
- If you wear a size XL shirts/tank-tops whilst wearing the skinniest pants you can find.
- If your so called leg workout only consists of training calves.
- If all girls at the gym can squat more than you even though you are twice as heavy.
If you have any or all the above syndromes, I have to urgently advice you to spend at least spend 20 minutes of your workouts squatting or dead-lifting, note that any leg machines do not count.
"My typical response to anyone showing off about their amazing gym workouts whilst they have legs skinnier than bloody spongebob square-pants"
"Now those are some toned legs alright"
I think that is enough ranting about your standard gym personalities for one post, either way I hope you guys had a fun read and also an overall great day. I must admit though that all this talk about chicken legs made me kinda hungry, if you know what I mean.
"Mmmm chicken legs, nom nom nom..."